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(1 edit) (+1)

Great game. 

i like the artstyle, especially the sprites.  i'd be great fot game to have more sprites for each character and more backgrounds. and existing BGs could need impovements too.

interesting and very different styles and personalities. seriously, each of them is unique. and interesting.., and with super-secret monster indentity. 

good plot... AND dating! a lot of funny moments :D 

For bugs... Found typo: "brain cell" not "brian cell" (in the 1st meeting with 5 girls and sheriff). You sometimes forgot to start the name with capital letter and to put dots between two sentences. Also "You're" not "your".  Some of the fonts at the begenning of the game doesn't show properly (some parts of text are replaced with empty squares). Sometimes there is wrong name above textbox or no name at all when someone  says something. 


Each route shows different aspects of Jay's live. And of her friends' lives, too. 

On my first play-thru I don't how but I ended with Bae. Swimmy girl. And I wasn't even interested in her that much. Too sporty for me xD.  But I still like her. Cutest fish

ok, now I know which choice determinates who I date.

Victoria was the 2nd.  The Party Girl. The popular and annoying party girl. But she has the warmer side too.. Damn she has the scarriest and the most unexcepted monster form. and the scariest and the hardest route

Does all the routes have bad ends? Some of these are terrifying... 

It's time for Lyell. I prefer femme girls but... I always liked werewolfs! She's total "tomboy" and her blushing is cute... And her route is very... calming. well, Most of it...

i didn't even started the rest of routes. i'll wait till you finish them

Her roommates are so funny. Sierra is my fav! The cutest girl in the whole city... but already taken? And Blake! She is very laid-back and nice and always helps her friends. 

The Town of is very original too... About 50 people... most of them are ladies and most of these ladies are gay... and 50 % of this gay girls are wide-shoulder tomboys. hmmmm. Maybe the few of the sprites were created for male characters(?) . And at least half of the people in  the city are supernatural. Wow! Very interesting lore.

I'm very excited and waiting for the rest of the game.

edit: Memes! I understood that reference!

Thanks for the feedback it’s so helpful plus it’s also great to see other people’s opinions on the game. And I’m glad Sierra is your favorite!(I thought most people would dislike her lol). And wide shouldered tomboys are just my type, though I made sure femmes are present. overall I’m really happy you liked it! Thanks for the commenting I loved reading through it.(and I’m glad you got the references my biggest fear is people not getting my memes)


I just played the Victoria route because of the ties they have from the past. I liked the most (although it ended badly because I was a jerk at the beginning with her...) and although I am halfway through the rest of romances (I always have bad endings) just because of her childhood story that I think is very important I think she is my favorite and I feel weird when it's not mention when I romance another characters or not alluded to like is a big deal tbh. Well with her I think I've found out that if I'm a jerk at some point it costs me my life hahaha (but i love being a cold bastard)

I’m glad she’s your favorite!(all of them are my favorite though I do have a bias towards Lyell). In the update she’s going to have a extended bad ending, have CGS and have them interact more in her route in general give it more bulk. So I hope you stick around for that. But thank you for playing and enjoying.

(4 edits) (+1)

Oh, don't get me wrong i love all of them (even if they kill me) but i'm a sucker for past drama and i wanted to know more about Jaylene but i kinda reconize that the others characters have more ~moments (a lot more)~  y'know but i find their story really important and part of Jaylene personality... even if Victoria swift from green to red...and i don't know i feel more implicate (that make me be a jerk to her at first) and with Lyell i feel kinda weak and vulnerable like i depend on her but she is cute and interesting so i love her (also i love the housemate too and i miss them)... and Bae was my unexpected romance so i was like girl why are you interacting so much with me? what about the rest ??? what's your deal with the fish thing Jaylene?? and really late i find out that i somehow started a romance with her so... yeah bad ending hit me real hard with her i was like WHAT?!?! WHAT DID I DO WRONG?????? so Victoria was more easy to understand why even if the whole father thing his 'job' was....  like they just throw me a bomb and so '?????... !!!!' but it was unexpected and i like that... i don't know.

I just love this and yes i'll stick around. Thanks for this it look like a lot of work so i appreciate this interesting game.


If you want to know more about Jaylene the. Xanthes and liens routes would be great for you(Xanthe is more about her heart disease she had and liens is like her backstory). The update is gonna have theres finishes but probably gonna take longer since I’m going to fix stuff in the other routes. I thought some people might find the roommates annoying so I made Lyell so they could avoid them for one Route. And I didn’t realize how hard I apparently made it lol I thought getting the bad ends would be hard. and it makes me happy you like I worked a long time i this.


I played the game for my YouTube channel. It's interesting! Big cast of characters.

Thank you for even playing! this makes me so happy :), cant wait for the next part!

(1 edit) (+2)

I played Victoria's route and I got one of the not so great endings and the only thing in my mind was "why you gotta be like that?" Like honestly I didn't expect her to go from Green to red, I guess that's what I get for being a twat.

Besides that I played all the routes and I really enjoyed them especially bae's she's a innocent cinnamon roll in need of protection.

im really happy you enjoyed it! and yes Bae is too sweet for this world  (^・ω・^ )


is it just me but when downloading the 3.0 version the file says 1.0? other than that I'm just getting into this game and am highly enticed x3.

Renpy  (The thing i used to make the game) calls every version you create version 1. I  just downloaded it from the game page and it has all the updates that should be in version 3. 

Its that way since itch only replaces the old versions if the file name is the same, otherwise you'll have to delete the old files manually, losing all the stats on the old files and i want to keep those stats (hopefully all that makes sense)

and I'm happy you're liking it so far :D


ah that makes so much sense! and I am. I just finished bae's route after starting it without knowing XD and oh my lord it was super freaking cute. >w<

that makes me so happy to hear :3 hope you enjoy the other routes as well.


I'm sure I will, though if lien and xanthe are finished I dunno how to start them XD

oh no, they are currently  unfinished . you can still play them though, they just dont have a ending yet. i plan to release version 4 next Saturday with xanthes and liens routes done along with improved sprites and backgrounds.

to get their routes you have to answer all the questions at the beginning correctly, i wont say which ones are correct but go for the meanest answer possible to get their routes. I did the math and its like a 30 percent chance of getting it so it might take a while lol.


ok but Blake rotue when

Deleted 2 years ago

Yeah the grammar and spelling is being fixed, I’m surprised how much I didn’t notice lmao. Though I would really like your opinion on the pacing, as I felt personally it went too fast and need more inbetween stuff, at least in baes and Victoria’s Routes (Though the stories may be completely different down the line ). But any advice you have is good too, all feed back is appreciated :). I’d prefer other social media as not to clog up the comments though.

 And thank you for playing!

Deleted 2 years ago

Twitter works the  best, it’s at llonelly2 :)


This game was just uploaded 4 hours ago and this is the first time I've went back online in this website XD the coincidence is surreal...

(4 edits) (+1)

Hey! I'm playing through this right now and am really enjoying it. I've actually wanted a monster themed yuri game for some time, so I really appreciate this.

I saw you mention that some character routes were unfinished and the choices were really strict because they are supposed to be played last. If you don't mind answering, what is the intended order to play through the routes?

I've also noticed a lot of grammatical and spelling related errors. I mean no offense, but it can often make reading through the dialogue a bit confusing at times. I understand this is still a work in progress, but if you need someone to help write dialogue in a more cohesive way, I'd be willing to help if that's possible.

I think this could turn out to be a really good read once it's more fleshed out and finished. Also, I don't know if this is intentional because it's a monster themed game, but I keep seeing "Witch" instead of "which", Witch bugs me sometimes lmao.

It also says it's been updated to 2.0, but when I download it I still get the 1.0 version. Not sure what's going on with that, maybe I'm just downloading it too early and I need to give time for the file to upload?

(2 edits)

the intended way is Lyell, bae, vic, xanthes and liens.  the first three  don't matter as much but might be confusing in certain parts , but liens must be last . this is also due to the violence and horror aspects increasing in each route so it eases you in.

And yes I'm very bad at English in general such as spelling and grammar. my brain just doesn't see the mistakes like others do so it makes it hard to proof read for me. it takes me a couple rereads of a line before I even notice a mistake.  I'm much better at general comics with little dialogue but I wanted to branch out and learn.So yes, your help would be very appreciated(And I'll credit you for helping and such if you want). And I hate witch and which so much cause I do mess them up a lot :'). but thank you for the feedback! and I'm really glad you're enjoying it! sorry for my grammar mistakes.

Also renpy when compiling the game defaults the version to 1.0 no matter how many times you built it before.  But on itch if the file name is different it doesn't replace the old ones. And if you delete the old files  instead of replacing then they lose the stats that are on them. So you have the newest verison its just the file name that is the same. Its weird and i don't like it :').  Unless your not seeing the changes I mentioned in the description?

(2 edits) (+1)

No problem! I figured English may not have been your first language, and that's totally cool. I'm well versed in English and I'd love to help in any way if I can, so just let me know what I can do for you and how I can get in contact with you outside this comment section. I wanna see this succeed! Don't worry about your mistakes, they will only help you to improve.

I saw it don't worry. And English is my first language I'm just really bad at it, grammar and spelling just never stuck with me like other people sadly(every semi colon you see in the game is just a wild guess as if its right or not.) I have two tumblrs(One in the description of game and the one on my creator page), a twitter and a discord . just tell which one you prefer.


That's cool too :) I struggled with it as well a bit but I'm pretty good on that front now. I thought when you said you were bad at English it was because it wasn't your first language, my mistake.

Anyways, Twitter works for me since I don't really use discord a lot.


thats cool no worries. my twitter is @llonelly2  just message whenever :)


I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would! I expected it to be quite short, but It was actually kind of long. I played through Lyell's route, and I really liked it!

The main errors I found (as of version 1.0) were that when Cecil was first introduce, Hazell shows up, but her sprite doesn't appear. And the other one I found was that in the first fight with Cecil, I think the instinct and reason choices are mixed up. You stay out of the fight when you pick instinct, and try to help Lyell against her wishes with reason. btw instinct is misspelled in both the fight scene, (And maybe others as well) it shows up as "instict".

I found a few logical errors too, when Lyell goes to Jamie to do... something... it's never actually stated what she needed to do there. Considering the conversation, it probably had to do with Cecil, but I don't think it's ever actually said. If it was I missed it. I also had a hard time figuring out how close Lyell and Jaylene were before the game. In the beginning nothing is ever stated that Jaylene knew Lyell from anywhere other than the dinner, but later Jaylene say's she's known Lyell for years. And even later, also says she knows nothing about her? I think I kinda get what you were trying to say, but it feels a little conflicting.

Over all, I really loved the game! and I'm really curious to play down Xanthe's route once that's finished!


Thank you so much for playing! And yes I may need to fix that when making a game like this you kinda forget some things you already stated before so thank you for pointing that out. I meant it as Jaylene knew Lyell in high school but since there 4 years apart they barley talked to each other  and now just see each other at the diner (or dinner? idk). But thank you for pointing that out so I can make that more clear in newer versions :) . 

And when they went to jamies i purposefully left it mysterious but i can see why that would be confusing so in later version i might add why she went there since it does explain werewolf culture more.  And thank you for pointing out misspellings and the graphic issues, playing through it myself it makes it hard to notice those.

also you can play xanthes route right now but its half finished (It would have been finished if a file corruption didn't happen but oh well :') )with loads of errors. The choices you have at the start decided which route you take. for the others you just need to get 4 or more right. but for xanthes and Liens you have to get all the questions right.  this is due to the fact their supposed to be the last ones you play. 

But thank you so much for the feedback! this is really helpful and i appreciate you taking the time to play and leave a comment. This helps a ton.


No problem! (Also you're right, it is diner, I misspelled XD)


Interested in seeing where this goes. Especially for the vampire Yuri route when you finish that!

The main errors I found with Demo 1.0 were grammar or spelling related and sometimes the names didn't appear over the text right. Either the wrong person was speaking or didn't have a name attached to it at all. Not sure if I could efficiently point out every single time those two errors occurred but those were the main things I noticed.

Good luck with this! :)

Thank you for the feedback!  and thank you for having interest  :) (the vampire route is going to be Xanthes :) )

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