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sorry to bug again, but I can't seem to get one of xanthe's ends? I got what I assume is the good end (because the credits had the universal poster) but the bear doesn't show up? and if that's the bad end, then how do you get the good end

(1 edit)

you get the bad end when you choose one of the choices during the scene where Xanthe is in the rain fighting rose.  And you get the good end when you let the timer go out, make sure you done both of these 

is anything supposed to show up on the main menu for xanthe's bad end?

no, you get her item on the good end. 

what is her item?

a bear 

Hi, I just played through Lyell and Victoria's routes and now I'm trying to do Bae's but I'm stuck at the quicktime events in the sewers because they last like half a second, I tried watching videos to see how people did it and their events were like 3 times slower so is there some setting that makes it easier that I'm not seeing ?

I’m not really sure, make sure your not skipping at that part and exit out and try again.   if all else fails I’ll suggest reinstalling

I have a save file right before the quicktime starts so I'm sure I'm not skipping, I also tried quitting and I reinstalled the game and still the quicktime events are way too fast for me to make it

then I really don't know why it would be faster for you than for other people, sorry I can't help.

Since I can't finish Bae's route does that mean there's no way for me to get the three other routes ?

yeah, so all I can suggest is retrying the quick time event till you get it

(3 edits)

Do you have a high refresh rate monitor? I'm stuck at the same part for the same reason and I'm starting to think it might be tied to some thing like that. If I can't force my way though after another few dozen tries I might try it on my art tablet which is only 60 and see if that does it

Edit: Yeah I'm almost certain that refresh rate was the issue. Soooo much slower on my 60 fps tablet and I got it right away, though using my tablet pen diiiiid also help

yeah that might be the issue too, sadly from my research renpy doesn’t really have solutions for handling monitors with different refresh rates during quick time events. 


so, I just started playing yesterday, and I've done lyell's and Victoria's bad ends, and I think I've done bae's bad end too, but only the cat and the mixtape are on the main menu?  and i know it makes more sense for the mixtape to be bae's item, but it showed up after i did Victoria's bad end?

just make sure you get every ending again cause if her bracelet didn't show up then you didn't do her bad end.


I totally missed the part where you said 6 dateable characters!! I went to play through and make a guide after getting Lien and Xanthe and saw an option that didn't look familiar and suddenly I'm on a whole new route, I was so excited, I actually just completed it! Anyways thank you for such a fun game, this actually inspired me to start making my own vn lol

Hello, I am a big coward, so I usually don't play horror games. STill I really want to try this! But I don't know how get Victoria's route and her good end. Can you help me with a guide please?  

You're great!

20:50 is how you get her route and to get her good end just answer the questions throughout her route right 

(1 edit) (+1)

apologies for bothering again but ive been trying to get xanthe's route and i've done all the previous 3 and their items are all on the screen, and i've been doing the choices i am supposed to do but i cannot get her route to trigger... do i have to do lien's route first? i also uninstalled and reinstalled and it still won't trigger


ok since you reinstalled my guess is that you didn’t do Victoria’s good end since her bracelet  shows up only on her bad end. So just make sure you get both the good and bad end for lyell bae and Victoria watch the credits all the way through. And make sure to input the correct choice number which is:1,1,1,3,3,3.And you can only get liens and the secrect route after you complete xanthes.   If that still doesn’t work we can go from there. 


that worked! thank you for your help! and apologies for bothering!

apologies if i am bad at seeing but is there a gallery? like you can see cgs you've unlocked?


no there isn’t, but there is an digital art book you can buy that has all the backgrounds, sprites and cgs including extra art I drew. 

I'm playing the game and I love it! But is there voice acting? I played all of Victoria Route and now I'm playing Lyell route but I didn't hear anyone talking.

you have to turn the voice volume in the settings and it’s only during the common route 

how do i start Xanthe rout

Did you finish the other routes before xanthe? Lyell,bae and victoria? If you did then you hafta answer the questions in this order: 111,333

i got both good and bad end for the first three and did the questions that way still nothing 


hmm.. do you have the stuff on the main screen? I think you might need to reinstall the game, but im not sure if that would work.


First of all, thank you so much for making this game. You said your not satisfied/happy with Xanthe, Lien, and secret route but they're all amazing there's nothing lacking for me, the plot the twist the romance is *chefs kiss* and this is f r e e so ilysm for blessing my broke ass. Not to mention the sound effect, detail, and bgm. This is masterpiece, can't wait for your new game to come out. But may i ask what songs you use for bgm? I love it so much it really gets the mood. Sorry for the bother:')

Aw thank you, and I got the music from multiple sources. the main theme is by morifc, and if you go into the games files you can find where the others came from :)


Will you be getting new stickers anytime soon? They look absolutely amazing!

I have one test sticker sheet left of this set I did for testing purposes and I might give that away sometime, maybe in a fanart contest.

but these designs aren’t coming back sadly but I will make new designs so stickers will be coming back soon but not these designs 

I'll make sure to keep an eye out then


Spoilers (?) 

So I'm at the part where Victoria and Jaylene are fighting the zombies/mosters/whatever and even though I'm literally following the directions as stated in the game, I keep getting the bad end. Victoria gives nine directions and when I counted how many I have to choose, it's only eight. I've done it so many times that I can't possibly be doing it wrong. Is it some sort of bug? Or am I just stupid?

you should read the sentences before the directions, Jaylene already took the first turn you don’t have to input that first turn she took 

Ohh, I see. Thanks for clearing that up, I was really confused!

(1 edit) (+3)

warning: spoilers (?)

So... I finished the game again... This time focusing the newest routes.

Xanthe's route was different from what I expecting... in my vision she was vamp seducer fighting her urge to drink Jay's blood,in yours she had problems with some kind of "demons" the past but you also made a lot of place for romantic stuff

Lien route is much crazier than I'd ever imagine... Fighthing with inner beast, unpleasant past and "science". And asshole behavior adds her a lot of charm.

Super-secret route was great... I'd expect Tailor or Sherrif or someone completely new, thinking that Blake would be too obvious choice. Well, she's normal, boring human... I was sure it gonna end right after making-out scene... but... everyone must have their own villain to fight.

Also Jayline got some more character development with each route. Finishing them all is key to complete understanding of her. 


First of all,the game is amazing

Second of all,i have the song that plays during the party in Lien's route stucked in my mind,could you tell me the name of the song??

Hi I’m trying to get through Bae’s route and the game keeps freezing and crashing :( It’s right when they’re painting posters together and Jaylene makes a note of Bae being left-handed. The text just disappears and the game crashes shortly after. What do I do?


I have no clue, no one reported an issue like this so I suggest to see if your pc can handle the game. And if it’s fully capable and all updated I suggest redownloading the game since there might have been a issue during the download process 


I was afraid to reinstall cause I was worried that would erase my save, but it seems to have worked! Thank u!

As a trans lesbian, I find this game lovely and wholesome, and I can’t wait to share it with my partner. ^-^

Can you date Blake? 

play the secret route and you'll see 

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 1 year ago

well you can head canon them as any trans identity you want since no where is it stated that they are cis.I’m open to seeing different interpretations of the characters.    but I imagine your saying this in a disparaging way.


Monster Sweethearts, quite frankly, is one of the most significant pieces of wlw representation that we have in games. I am fully aware of the presence of sapphics in major franchises such as TLOU, or even in indie darlings such as Night in the Woods, but Monster Sweethearts blows these straight out of the water. 

Here's why. 

Monster Sweethearts is a horror narrative that, while about loving women and having an almost 100% female cast, does not design itself around traumas that specifically impact women or queer women. We don't see male misogynists chasing down these girls, or men terrorizing or assaulting them, etc. The tension and trauma in the horror, refreshingly, also doesn't ground itself in homophobia; in fact, there is only one route which focuses on homophobic violence. They are women, being women and sapphic is important to their characters, but their identities are not the roots of their trauma. They are allowed to exist outside of that tired feminist horror aesthetic.  

That's not to say that MS doesn't touch on serious themes. It has several layers within its narrative. There are overarching themes (consistent throughout all the routes) in regards to female sexuality, boundaries between friendship/romance, the struggles of coming out. In each individual route, further concepts are explored. For example, in Lyell's, the pressure of societal/hierarchial expectations and knowing what it means to protect those you love. For Victoria's, it's about self worth, societal beauty standards, and toxicity within female friendships. And in Xanthe's, the horrors of domestic violence, and the grueling, PTSD-ridden aftermath that comes with it. As you conclude each of the routes, more themes are uncovered: redemption, what it means to love, and furthermore, what it means to be human. 

Of course, all of this intensity is coupled with the adorable and unique artstyle. The backgrounds? Painted and detailed, but soft focused. It very much brings me back to old school TV shows like As Told By Ginger.  The character designs are also wonderfully done. 

Notably, MS is a queer story that takes place in the South, which is a refreshing perspective compared to the countless queer stories that take place in LA, NYC, or other major cities. As a queer person who has lived in the South, I greatly appreciated that level of representation.

Is this visual novel the pinnacle of perfection? No, but truly this free visual novel is delivering the kind of emotional depth and intelligence that paid games-- ones backed my major corporations and staffed by people with collectively hundreds of years of experience-- do not have.  

It is no wonder that this visual novel won the bronze medal award at the Melbourne Queer Games Festival. 

My sincere thanks to the developer for allowing me to cover this on my channel. Thank you so much for making something that was so needed, and something that has brought so much joy to our lives. 

I've completed Lyell's route and I can't help but wonder why werewolves have two pairs of ears, wolf and human, simultaneously?

Also, +1 to proofreading. While I understood that "weather" meant "whether"

or "residence" was "riddance"

it was still quite distracting.

Otherwise, it was an interesting VN with nice art.

thank you for the typo errors 

and for the wolf ear thing it's explained at the start when Jaylene goes to the library and you can choose a book to read. but to explain it here some werewolves can't shift at all while others can go full werewolf and others are stuck in between of the two. Lyell is stuck in the middle, if she wants she can practice her shifting into a more werewolf state where her human ears are gone have more fur etc. that's the basics of it without writing a whole essay I think I explained it more in the game

Thanks for the info.
I did read the book, but thought that "full wolf" is an actual large wolf and the "mix" is like a Worgen from WoW (with 1 set of wolf ears).

So I'm let's playing the Bae timeline and am noticing there is a huge lack of music... is this meant to happen? 

if theres no music its most likly I didn't add music to that part of the game unless you hear no music at all throughout then its a bug

(1 edit) (+2)

I've only played through one route so far (Lyell's).

The art and story are cute,
but you desperately need an editor. 
There are just so many misspellings, grammatical errors and awkward phrasings that would be much better with minimal tweaking.  
They made an otherwise nice story difficult to read. 

There are plenty of people who will stop reading something if there are too many errors like this.  (I know, because I tend to be one of them.)  So I genuinely think that you would be giving more people the opportunity to enjoy your stories if you found someone to do even minor editing work on the game.  (Fixing the uses of 'their' when it should be 'they're', for example)

I'd like to reiterate that I enjoyed the story itself, so I hope I'm not coming off as critical just for the sake of putting down those who put hard work into the game.

I had a much longer thing written out but I'm just gonna say this. I know there are typos and grammer mistakes.  people have been telling me this since I first uploaded it.  I'm gonna say it here for other commenters to see. that telling me where the errors are is more helpful then just telling me there are errors, since if you tell me where they are I can go fix them. I have an editor and they are able to work when they have free time .

(1 edit)

Is there a certain format that you want the typo/grammar errors to be pinpointed? 


Common Route>Pg.(?)>

Jaylene: "Are you sure this isn't a joke haha...?"

Xanthe goes up to me flashing her teeth.

Fix: Xanthe came up to me, flashing her teeth.

Pages are not numbered, so it's difficult for us to point out exactly where they'd be for you to fix in the program; so you don't have to go through bouts of text, I mean.

I have a ridiculous amount of free time if you want me to just fix it for you. 



xanthe goes up to me flashing her teeth

(Then put fix here)

that works just fine cause the program I'm using to program has a find and replace feature so I can just copy and past the "xanthe goes up to me flashing her teeth" into search and it shows me where it is .  but thank you in advance for taking your time to help, it means alot.

and do you want to just put the fixes in the comments or want me to email you so you can send them to me?

(1 edit)

Email works for me. :) Just send me a message.

Will monster sweethearts ever be on Android?


Yes I'm currently working on a new version of the game that will have new cgs, voice acting, and some fixe to the sprites and backgrounds and once this update comes out it will also have a linux and andriod version to go along with it . but I only work on it when i have free time which isnt much at the moment but hopfully yes :)

Ah okay! Thank you :3

a linux version would be very awesome!

i  cant hear the voices is there a way to fix that

(1 edit)

is the voice volume up in the preferences? If it is idk how to fix that specific bug 

the voice volume is up but if its a bug you cant fix i wont press it thank you tho

(1 edit) (+1)

Dude literally this is the best visual novel game I've ever played. Literally the one thing I want now is this on PS4 for the sweet sweet trophies. 

...also  let's play is on my channel below :D  

thank you for playing it ! glad you liked the game. :D

I want to play the game, but it wont let me save. It says, “Exception: Not Saved - no valid save locations” What do I do?

hm, I literally never seen that error before 

Here’s a link to someone who was having a similar problem try some of their suggestions here:

In addition are you using a guest account that doesn’t have permission to write to the save location saves are saved to?

Omg, it worked! Thank you so much for help.


Hey back again but i have been playing through the routes and im about to finish liens route and while i have no right to critique you i was just wondering if you had an editor of some sort. Its not that you cant go through the stories with the small grammar errors but i do feel it ruins the immersion for the reader. I would be happy to go through the stories again and make a list of where these spots are but like i said its not right for me to say anything about this. Also while on the subject of your game while i think the voice acting for all the characters sound amazing i dont know if you already plan to do this but i think it would be nice to have some background sound something besides just music because without them it feels like all the characters are in some weird enclosed space like their voice exists in some sort of different universe but in all honesty thats all i can really think of besides maybe add some more scenes and options for the player to chose like allowing them to do certain actions like if you read a book or something i dont know you can use that knowledge later to get a secret option. Once again i love your game continue the great work!!!!

(1 edit)

i had editors in the past but they just did the common route and never contacted me again. so I rather not have a new editor at this time. if you want you can just edit this comment or make a new one to report any typos 


While there's many otome games out there that, quoting the author, "have only 1 route with a female character while there are 4 others with guys", this game is unique. It's welcoming, engaging and a hug for those who are looking for this type of wlw content. I'm not a person to follow horror-themed games, but its mechanics and the stories of each characters (especially Xanthe's and Victoria's, they're my favs) convinced me that it was worth leaving fear aside and giving it a try (although, after some bad endings, I had to keep playing in the morning lmao). I did every possible route and I can say, finally, with peace of mind: thank you for rebuilding Xanthe's route, she is a character I won't forget for some weeks, all because her history is a full circle for me. I'm pretty sure that, in the previous history, she wouldn't have won my heart so much as the final one. Besides my biased opinion on Miss Fangs, I downloaded for the first time before the july update, so I noticed all the differences in Lyell's, Bae's and Victoria's routes and they got infinitely even more better. Not only in their stories, but the changes on the background drawnings got me surprised, same thing for the voice acting included. Anyway, it's a visual novel that definitely wins your heart and that, even with its difficulties, makes you miss it a lot. Damn, I'm afraid of vampires and then I felt compelled to buy even a artbook about one! If currency conversion weren't such a pain, I would definitely donated more, because this VN deserves a lot. But jokes aside, thanks for not giving up on it and I'm looking forward for the next projects.

thank you so much! (^ω^)

I have returned to view the updated version of this game and once again i love but unfortunately i have ran into the same problem for xanthe's route it seems the number order has changed but all in all i love how everything looks and i hope you keep up the great work (also i love how lien looks now)  

I just finished the whole game and it was so amazing! (BTW I think I actually caught feelings for Xanthe, so there's that.) Anyways, I have made fanart, so is there some way that I could share it?

well you could post it on to tumblr/twitter and @ me in it, tumblr is  llonelly and twitter is llonelly2. 

you can also  just private message me it on those platforms if you so wish :)


I loved this game so much!! I recomended it to my boyfriend since we are very soft for cute girls and i absolutely love Horror and Monsters and anything supernatural tbh. I'll make sure to recommend it to more people!

---------------------BIG ASS SPOILER AND OTHER THINGS-----------------------

I noticed the wrong sentences and words but personally it didn't bother me since i could understand everything.

I loved how Jaylene was a mix of all monsters, i honestly thought you made her have a heart problem just to be different which i enjoyed it even tho i think it wasnt explored in some routes like in Xanthe's route, i liked the explanation to how tho i dont think it would be possible but, its a game and a whole other world so who cares? It was nice anyway fnvjdf ( I gotta say i hate her mom but shes pretty cute ).

My favourite route and Monster Sweetheart of them all is definitely Lien, she is really funny to interact with and she honestly was the one who seemed more human like (on personality n all) to me, i was really sad when you said you were planning on not doing her route (and her being an alien sounded pretty fun and nice to me btw!) even tho i absolutely love all of them:

 Vic's route was very fun and i think her monster form is hot- just saying- i really liked her route too and i kind fo didnt like her in the beggining and now i absolutelly love her,

 Xanthe's route was a bit tiring actually but it was the only route that messed me up a bit and i got kinda unconfortable at some parts because of personal shit , really good story , i think it was the most dark one specially the bad end,

 Also Lyell's a baby that i wanna cuddle forever and really sweet sweet lil wolf, i honestly want a wolf plushie now,

Lien's gonna be the best parent ever and you can't change my mind ,

Bae's mosnter form was the most beautifull and i love it so much i just wanna hug and her playlist was the best thing,

Blake's route is really fun, made me actually tense and i wasnt expecting on a cannibal to show up and that K_UP and etc part made my anxious ass really nervous, anyway i love her andher route, my first crush on the game.


I really enjoyed playing this game and im definitelly going to play it again and i will probably make too much fanarts, i am so sorry for the long text and for any error since English is not my first language (i swear im not an alien), i'll look foward to anything you do in the future!

this was so great to read, thank you for playing the game , and I’m glad you enjoyed it!


Fun read! I love the world building and the cast of characters. 

Some things I noticed, for people thinking about giving this a read: 

1) The text needs some editing/polishing up; there are often typos, like using the wrong their/there/they're or to/too/two, and some words/sentences not being punctuated or spelled correctly. 

2) This might just be a personal preference, or maybe it could be a story pacing issue, but sometimes it feels like a very very long time before I get to make another choice. But that's not necessarily a bad thing, this is one of those VNs that reads more like... well, a novel, than a choose-your-own-adventure where you can build your own protagonist. 

Just my two cents, still enjoyed the game and recommend reading it :)!


hello, so I got to the part where the scientist with no face bites me and after I pass out it goes right back to the start. can anyone help me out with this :((

it’s a quick time event you have to press the squares that come up on the screen 

oh ok thank you very much !!

Unfortunately the quick time event locks me out of going any farther. Due to nerve damage I can't hit the targets fast enough to progress.

if you want you can contect me on my other socials  so I can send you a version of the game with no qte

tumblr is  llonelly and twitter is @llonelly2. 

Hey there! I saw someone saying this already and i actually already re installed the game as suggested there but i can't get the Bad Ending label of Bae's route and i don't know what to do :( 

Is there something im doing wrong?

I don’t know by what you mean.  if you got the bad end where bae Goes feral then you got the bad end 

Yee i am very sorry i didnt explain right, whenever i get the bad ending i dont get the ''Bad Ending'' Label like on Victoria's route for example and i dont know what to do :(

you still got the bad ending even if the label doesn’t show, it still counts 

Okay thank you! i was just kinda confused since whenever i tried to go to Xanthe's route i could not even following the Hint ;-,


im downloading it right now, meanwhile should say i Love your art style

I was gonna wait to review until after I completed the game, but...

AHHH!!! BAE! You sweet, sweet music dork! That mix tape is the best thing I ever heard! I was just laying on my bed covering my mouth tying not to wake up my roommate because of how much I wanted to squeal! Can I have a song list for just that mix tape?

Also, I tried to look up Blake's VA but Robin Black gets me a MMA commentator, any socials?


the mixtape:

as for blakes voice actor ill have to ask them and see, I'll edit this later with a answer :)

Thank you! and, one more thing, I can only get the same ending for Xanthe's route,  your thing talking about lien's route says get all of Xanthe's endings, am I  misunderstanding and there is only one? or am I doing somthing wrong?

nm I figured it out, haven't slept for 19 hours, kinda poop brain.


theres two for her you have to get. you know at the end of her route where her and rose are fighting with the timer counting down with the "instinct" or "reason"? well you just wait out the timer for her good end to happen :)


I figured it out a minute before you responded, and my response to her endings.

Fuck you. (You're a really good writer, and yes I am aware that you could have easily figured out that me cussing at you in reaction to a story is a good thing, but I am soft and feel bad when I say mean things.)


wait... there's somthing after the credits?! hold on.

Thank you SO much for sharing these links! This is such a great game, thank you for making it. I just finished the first 3 girls' routes, so now it's time to start Xanthe's!

I got everyone's good and bad ending but I can't get the secret route and I even got all the items but I did notice for some reason I can't click on Victoria's, is there anything I else I must do to get the secret route?

go to the bottom of the post to see how

I've already looked at that and sadly it didn't help since I've already did those things, I just finished lien's route and got all of her endings but still can't get the secret one, thanks anyway though hopefully I can eventually unlock the secret route, amazing game btw never heard of anything like it, wish there were more games like this

if you did all those things then you need to replay the common route and do xanthes hint but get one wrong then it should take you to that route.

Thanks a billion


Please please please share how you got everyone's good and bad endings. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, I'm going crazy replaying and replaying countless times. I got good endings for Lyell, Victoria and Bae with the posters like "The bride of Frankenstein" and etc. I got bad endings with "Bad ending" label on them for Lyell and Victoria, however when I get bad ending for Bae there's no such label as she kills me. What am I doing wrong? I just desperately want to get the other LI routes, but can't even get Xanthe's route. I got the cat, the cassette and the bracelet. I'm frustrated to the point that I just want to delete everything, but then it would mean that I replayed all these hours, even days for nothing.

I don’t know why yours is not doing it since everyone else seems to be getting into xanthes route just fine.

I'm gonna reinstall it then. Let's  see if it works. Hopefully

to help you if you right click the skip button at the bottom of the textbox then it can automatically skip to next choice :)


Finally got through all the routes! Great game! 


I just HAD to make an account here to say....this is THE single most amazing yuri game i've ever seen...after playing all 6 routes im in SHOCK that this issnt on Steam bc it should be!Normaly i play VN's in like hmm 8-12 h mb a day (im a fast reader) but this? 2,5 Days of pure laughter and sweet moments(you dont know your own slurs had me laughting on the floor)

Now is it perfect? no ofc not Spelling errors left and right some plotholes and some loose endes that just dont realy fit but even with all its flaws it a Masterwork.

Im so happy after playing Blakes route...she is simply awesome!

Thank you from the Bottom of my Yuri loving Heart for this Game

thank you so much :)

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