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i must say that little teddy bear scares me like why? i thought it was the cutest thing.

When the scientist in the sewers attacks you on Bae's route, what do you press to get him off you? I'm stuck, and I really want to play more of the game because I love it.

uh there should be black blocks on the screen, its a quick time event o you have to click them with your mouse. if you dont see  them then i recomand turning up your brightness.

(1 edit)

Ohhhhh, tysm!


Oh yass. It is time to be the gae. Thanks for the game ^^

I thought I did all the endings but I only have two items: The cat and the mixtape. Very confused at the third, pretty sure I've done all of Victoria's endings.   I could use a little help

(1 edit)

if you did her bad end then Her item should’ve showed up 

I'm having some serious trouble getting Xanthe's route and I know in order to get her route I have to get all of the endings for Bae, Victoria, and Lyell so I was wondering how many endings do each of them have? I have only done 3 endings for Victoria, 2 for Bae, and 2 for Lyell and I'm not sure if those are all of their endings or not and I have also looked at the hint and I'm pretty sure I got that right...or not...I don't really know but in any case the routes and everything are absolutely amazing

well if you have gotten all the endings then you must be doing the hint wrong, the numbers go with the questions, such as the hint of 1,1,1,3,3,3 the first question that comes up is the first answer , the fourth one that comes up is the third answer and so on.


How many ending are there for each love interest? And is Blake a love interest?

each have two, and yes 

Thank you so much! :)


How do I get on to Liens  route... I love her so much but i haven't figured out how to get to her :( 

scroll to bottom, it should all be there on how to get her route

I absolutly love this game! So happy that all the routes are done. But I just can't figure out how to get Xanthe's route :/ I have all the bad and good endings and all three items but it just doesn't let me play Xanthe's. I looked at the hint too.

I know I'm doing something wrong xD Hope you can help me >.<

are you sure you have all the good and bad ends? Play through it again  and are you sure you answered the questions right at the beginning?

I'm pretty sure I have all the bad and good ends. Does Victoria's route have three bad ends or more? Maybe I missed one. 

If the hint is still 1/1/2/3/3/3 then I answered the questions at the beginning right.

it’s 1,1,1,3,3,3

Omg I feel so stupid. Yeah now it works! Thank you so much xD


WOAH. I love love this! I did Lyell and Bae's route. It was FABULOUS!! I'm no grammar doctor, but there was a common mistake of to and too. Can't remember where it happened because I was blinded by how amazing this is. Also a quick question, putting two and two together, it seems like Blake would be a love interest. Is that true?  But please excuse me for being ignorant since I just found this master piece today.


if you complete all the routes there is a secret route you can get complete all the other routes first and get their endings and then you see who the secret route is :)


Thank you for replying. I did all the routes except for the secret one. OH it is so great. Like WOW.  I especially love that Jaylene has a background and is an actual character. Most visual novels the mc has a family and just went to where ever the story begins. Now I must ask a question about Jaylene. I got to learn about her throughout the routes and it made me wonder. Is Jaylene the same person? I know the big dirty secret about Jaylene was revealed during Lien's route. But is that canon for the other routes? ANYWAYS this visual novel was FIRE and I absolutely love it. Now to get back to the secret route.


yes it is canon in all the other routes its just that in liens route she goes through a real truamtic experince to where you know what happens happens. (don't want to spoil it for people scrolling the comments). if what she experinced happened in the other routes then the big secrect would also be relvaled  also :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Love the game but i cant for the life of me figure out how to get to Xanthe's route (and yes i did look at the hint)! And is there supposed to be an item that pops up on the main menu screen when you get the good ending for Victoria cuz i cant seem to get that either?

Im probably doing something wrong but i've been replaying it over and over again and i cant figure it out :')

Did you make sure you got all the endings? you have to get the good and bad ones for each, you only get vics if you get the bad ends. Also did items worked properly correct, jsut as showing up after the endings and being able to click on  them? just want to make sure of that.

(2 edits) (+1)

Yep! Pretty sure i got all of the endings, bad and good. But i dont know if Bae's bad end (when Jaylene gets pushed in her water tank when Bae goes 'feral') counted as i didnt get the "BAD END" letters pop up on screen but the credits rolled after it.

As for the items, the two i got (Lyell's cat and the CD/cassette Bae made for Jaylene) worked! Im not sure if there was supposed to be an item for Victoria as i didnt get one.

(2 edits)

Alright I'm gonna dowload the game from this page and check out for myself, but are you sure you got all the good and bad ends? cause if you got vics bad end then her item should show up but if it didn't then I'll have to download the game and see

edit: i quickly did vics route and her item only shows up after the bad end


Nevermind! Scratch that i replayed again and apparently i missed one bad end for Victoria! I got her item now, tho im not sure if its supposed to do anything! And i also got into Xanthe's route! Sorry for bothering you 🤦‍♀️!

yeah her item doesnt do anything since i couldnt think of something for it to do lol, but its alright no problem! hope you like her route!


Loving the art style! It's obvious even with the demos that you've put lots of work into it. Very excited about the release.

thank you!

do you have a release date

what is there left to do 


the voice lines in the common route still have to be implemented. The voice actors have yet to give some of there addition I want to make this game good as possible so I’m just rereading every route now to fix grammar and typos 


i want to point out that you write which "witch" witch means like wizard 

i love the soundtrack will you release it

All the music in the game are from free music sites so I dont have the rights to them

by the way if you need any help i am more than willing top do everything i can

how do you download this? normally with these games you need to extract the file first. so i click download, click my computer type, then the bar comes up i click "show in folder" and then extract all on the file but it won't let me play

never mind figured it out!


So, just downloaded the game and finished Lyell's route; so cuuuuuuuuute! Now playing Bae's. I love it so much, the only problem is there is a ton of grammatical errors. As well as the names do not change all the time to indicate who is talking. I do my best to ignore them because I understand what you are saying, but they are very distracting and can take away from the story. I'd offer to help/review but that's not my place. I do hope you fix the grammar errors because it's a great game and a great piece of work.  Can't wait for more or the final project. Until then, keep going!

will you release to steam

I dont think the game is good enough for steam lol


In my opinion it definitely is good enough for steam, I usually can't get at all invested in yuri visual novels, but this one is so good I think I pulled an all nighter to read all the routes when I downloaded it months ago and this page has been pinned in my browser since because I don't want to forget to read Xanthe's and Lien's route as soon as it doesn't say unfinished. So yeah, I love this game.


i agree

will you make a taylor route 

No sadly i dont think i can make her a route espically so late in development

do you have a planned release date

I have some voice acting that needs to be finished and some music to be made but after thats done i will release it.

(1 edit)

oh i cant wait

do you know when that will be

not exactly but it should be this month if everyone gives me their lines in time but you know stuff happens but hopfully this month

oh man i can't wait

still planning this month or has it been delayed

The voice lines havent come in yet so it all depends on how fast i get the voice lines in. once all the voice acting is done i will release it since thats all thats left to do.


victorias route is broken i followed the instructions but still got the bad end no matter what

if you have the have the latest download then it should work, if your stuck on the first one remember that jaylene takes the first left autiomatcally so you dont choose left as your first option


well it's confirmed im just an idiot


I just finished Lyell's route and this game is .so good, I enjoyed it so much

Like the plot is just amazing, it's just on spot, the art looks amazing and I literally have no complaints

When I'm old enough to be able to support it, I totally will, so really just thank you so much <3333

- Sincerally, a lesbian girl


This was really good and I enjoyed it immensely!

There's some spelling mistakes, wrongly named text boxes, one or two places were the passing seems off and misplaced spirits but that's really the only issues I'd say there are! I can really tell how hard the developer has worked on this. I can't wait to see what the updates hold. 


Honestly the best game ever. Keep up the good work! Reccomend to all who love the supernatural and lesbians

Awsome game, thanks!


I feel like Blake likes Jaylene which makes me sad cuz she's literally the first one I kinda wanted Jaylene to be with but she's not an option : (


she will be a route, just gotta wait for the update :D

Yo I ran this game through virus total and it said it had a Trojan in it.


it does have a Trojan in it, it turns your computer gay, watch out.

That explains a lot


Howdy ^~^ Enjoyed your game. The arts pretty neat and I liked the characters a lot. Only thing I found a bit irking (not trying to be a meanie but) was the typos and grammatical errors here and there kind of broke the immersion a tad bit. Speaking of which, I was wondering whether you require an editor in which case I offer my assistance :^) 

I would appractiate the help. jut dm me @ llonelly2 on twitter

Righto and thanks ^-^


Hey! I loved your game, and I didn't even fully finish two of the three available routes yet! I can tell you work really hard to make it as good as possible. I can't wait for Xanthe's route since she's my favorite! Sadly, I didn't think of screenshotting the few errors I might have seen, but I remembered that there was some confusion between your and you're most of the time. Except for grammar mistakes, I don't think I saw that many graphic ones. Sometimes, the names of the characters weren't showing when they were talking. Once I go back to playing, I'll make sure to screen as much typos as possible!

Thanks for this game!

thank you so much, screenshotting it will be so helpful since it has about 500 pages worth of words so its hard to catch typos. and I'm glad you're enjoying the game!


Hi! idk if this is a typo or an error in my download, but for some reason my game says that it is the 1.0 version.  For now I have only finished Lyell's route (which was adorable) and I am half way throug Bae's, but seen the version discrepancy has made me believe that maybe I am missing out on your improvements for this amazing  game. If this is some user error, I would love to know what I did wrong.  

Thank you for responding when you got the time!

this is merely something itch does. I don't change the version name cause if I do then it replaces the file I already put there, losing all the stats it had, which I want to keep. changing the file name to version 2 or something similar will replace it fully, losing all the previous stats on those files. hopefully, I explained that in the most understandable way. if you download from this page then you are up to date on the game. the newest version will be coming soon ( but delayed due to voice acting lines not coming in) so I may just bite the bullet and replace the original files so there won't be any confusion


Thank you for your explanation! I don't think changing the name is worth it, if it means losing your stats. Probably a little note in the description about this small nuisance would suffice.  

I wouldn't worry too much, its probably just a me problem. I think what confused me was that it also said it was the 1.0 ver on the  "About" section in the menu. 

Thank you for replying so quickly,  I will finish the rest of the routes without worries tonigth.  And patiently wait for the new update.

Once again thank you for your work!

I don’t remember the exact moment, I think it’s when Sierra and Lexi are fighting over Sierra dying lexi’s clothes all pink, I noticed one of the times when it was Lexi talking it said Lyell in the name part instead of Lexi. Not a big deal but thought you might want to know! I absolutely love the game! It’s amazing thank you for making this.

thanks for letting me know! And thank you!


you’re welcome! 


Is Sierra gonna ever be a romantic option? She my baby <3

Also love the game !!

lol,  I don't think so sadly but I'm glad you like her! and thank you!


Finished the game and got the available endings including the bad ones.  Can't wait for the other route's to be done so i can experience it all over again. There are a couple of weird glitches where characters that are not around is talking like Lyell speaking instead of Jaylene. but overall love the game and looking forward to Xanthe's route. 

Thank you, I'm really happy you enjoyed it, and thanks for notifying me of the glich. also love your icon


I finished all the available routes and i must say i really enjoy the game so far! I can't wait for blake's route to be added and for xanthe's to be completed too.  Arnd when would the next update be?

I polished lyells,Baes.Victorias routes(Their stories have changed alot from the original) so their completly done. I'm working on the  images for xanthes liens and blakes which takes about a day to do for each route. I also want to work on other things to my likening. theres no set date but I feel this month is a good estimate for the next update.


Ah thanks for replying! I can't wait to see how the story goes.


What's the music that plays whenever there's conflict?  I really like it and wanted to learn it on my guitar and was wondering if you had sheet music or tabs for it

All I can give you is the song name, which is Riding Solo by David Fesliyan. I got it from here sheetmusic or tabs for this song i don't think exist :( but you can look and see


Thank you so much!!!  Also, the game is great and I absolutely love it!  Looking forward to when it's finished! :)


is this game still in the works ? 


Yes it is, don’t worry an update is coming soon


I downloaded this game yesterday and already finished all the routes included at the time, gotta say i was a little disappointed that Blake wasn't one of them but whatever, i'm in love with Lyell now <3

Just a note, I noticed some typos and such but also that sometimes the name of the character that is talking switches to another one's which can be a little confusing, more in Victoria's route than the others. 

Still loved it tho, i'm looking forward to play it whenever it's completed, maybe because of Lien cause she's hot.  Pun intended.


Thank you! glad you enoyed the game :)

(2 edits) (+1)

Just downloaded the game, played for an hour and I just gotta say I was massively disappointed Sierra, Blake and Lexi are not part of the sweethearts list  TT_TT I was actually pretty into Sierra, she got such a cute personality, but my second choice is Victoria, so not all is lost! 

I do quite often noticed typos, nothing huge, but lowercasing name instead of uppercasing is not uncommon. But this game is free, still developing and it's definitely worth a try.

Is there or well A way i can download 2.0 i believe with lien, xanthe routes because i got finished with Lyell which i made it a bad ending and i got sad ANYWAYS and i did Vic's which was cute

if you download the latest files from the page you have the latest version. liens and xanthes arn't done yet so they are not going to be in any download at this current time.

omG dUDe ThAnk you bruv <3


i downloaded this game yesterday and finished all the routes! the game is GREAT, really i loved it :) i just finished victoria's route, to be honest i was scared to do her route because of all the comments saying that her route is the most terrifying, but somehow i got the good ending and it was SO CUTE i love victoria shes a total sweetheart ): first route i did was lyell's route i dont even know how and when did i end up on her route cause i dont like butch girls that much, but she was a total cutie and her route was sooo cute and calm. i think my favs are xanthe and vic, i've always had a thing for femmes and i really liked how victoria changed and grew to understand her mistakes. i cant wait for full xanthe route cause it seems like there's a complicated story, domestic abuse maybe?? not really sure. i loved how every character has their own story and problems, the side characters are also awesome (blake route when????), the plot is really great and this is so much more than a dating sim (but also thank you, casue there arent  a lot of good lesbian dating sims, so this is a blessing) i hope you won't give up on this game and keep up the good work! 


Aww thank you so much! this was so nice to read .I'm really happy you enjoyed the game.

An don't worry I havent given up on this game. xanthe, liens and blakes route have all been written and just need to add the images to them :) (among other things). It shouldn't be too long till the next update.


thanks for the reply! im really looking forward to this


I loved this game! there was a glitch at the ending (?) of liens route but i just assumed it was because it wasnt finished. I love the art syle and the characters and im ecited for updates on the characters!

Thank you! I’m glad you liked it :)


Hey does quick question does anyone know how to get the xanthe route which may sound stupid but i have been trying for a while and its like..........the only route i havent gotten also if the creator does happen to look at this i really enjoy the game [As it is not easy to find good queer games really]  hope you make more stuff like this in the future.

Hey I’m glad your liking the game and yes I’m definitely doing more games like this after I finish this one.  

I’m not at my computer right now so I can’t tell you exactly what they are but here’s a hint I gave another commenter hopefully you’ll be able to tell what the numbers correlate to


thanks for the help hope you have a nice day

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